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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weed It Out, Clean It Out, Move It Out!

Before the excruciating pain appears in the right side of my face I better get out what is on my mind.  Unfortunately, however, a kup of koffee, or the like, will not be able to accompany me for the next 24 hours.  So without further ado, I'll get on with my thoughts!

Yesterday marks the first day of weeding out that which does not need to be a part of our household anymore.  As this next move draws closer, as with all the previous moves, talk of "less-is-better-this-time-around" is at the forefront of our conversations lately.  What started this endeavor is the ever-so-often dialogue that went like this:

"Where's my Nintendo chip?"  
"I don't know, I gave it back to you."
 "No you didn't."
"Yes I did!  Why do I always get the blame?"  

And the escalation of voices rise to more than a dialogue; it becomes a heated argument.

Now this is not just any Nintendo game chip; no, this chip holds over a thousand classic books that can be read similarly like a Kindle device.  One of the books that is desired to be read for educational purposes is, of course, on this chip.

So after quite a few exhausting minutes of mom entering the scene of "discussion" of where the chip might be, I order everyone involved to start in the "borrowers" room; hence the mark of the first weeding-out day.  Oh, how it needed it too!  Two bags for garage sale, one bag of trash, and still another for give-away.  Progress has started and that room still has a lot of weeding out to do.  

Today held much of the same only it took place in a dentist office.  Much like needing to resolve an argument, as it could only escalate into a painful experience if it is not taken care of, so it is with a decaying tooth that has been arguing with me during the past two sleepless nights.  Get me out of here! says Mr. Dying Tooth; and as my loving husband sensed this Little Irritation that had invaded me, trading today's appointment with me seemed to him a must.

After 3 hours of waiting to be seated, shooting me with Lidocane, waiting some more for half my face to be paralyzed...I mean numbed, weeding out the decayed tooth...piece by piece, digging and more digging, pulling and more pulling on the stubborn molar roots, the dentist finally asking her assistant for a scalpel (and for any of you who do not know what that is, it is an instrument to cut into the skin) to be able to get down deeper to dig the roots out some more, cleaning out the wound, stitching me up and moving me out to anticipate tomorrow's pain, my dead tooth has finally met it's freedom and my once again restful nights will prayerfully begin soon...but not tonight or the next I presume and fully expect.  (By the way, this procedure backed her office up a couple of hours...oops!)

Attention!  School will be closed because the teacher will be in bed, drugged up with pain killers!

The moral of the story is:  Don't wait till it's too late to resolve an issue!  Weed it out!  then, Clean it out! so you can Move it out!

Enjoying My ....Gauze... ok, maybe not ;o/

 p.s. the discovery of the chip has still yet to be a success.


  1. Love it!! Thanks for making me smile
    and for making me think of "things"
    in my life that need be "weeded out".

    I hope you're feeling better soon and
    that the chip is found!

    Laurie :)

  2. been there done that. I too am onthe verge of the weeding out phaze.

    As to the chip did she check in the last place she used it??? :)

  3.'d think? But evidently they both deny having it last!
