The walls have come tumbling down, the doors have widely opened, and I'm off and running full speed ahead in the Home Education endeavors! Ya Hoo!
After one year of educating my oldest and another half year of attempting all three, a "still small Voice" quietly halted this seemingly unmanageable undertaking that I found myself beginning to feel paralyzed in. So relieved, I ordered a "Winter Break" to begin, much to my daughters' pleasant surprise, and all of us sighed in deep relief! AHhhh.
Gathering my wits I began to pray. Seems that is what we should always do when we start a big project such as HOME SCHOOL...wouldn't you think? But sometimes it takes me getting overwhelmed and frustrated and then hitting bottom to finally look up in exhaustion and say,
"I can't do this! I give up, Lord. If this is what I'm supposed to be doing, then I need Your help."
And He replied, "I've been waiting for you to ask."
Can you relate?
On our "Break" my husband surprised many surprises lately! morning with...
"Get your bags packed, we're going to Colorado Springs for the weekend!"
We were all ecstatic, we love Colorado Springs. One of the places we visited was Focus On The Family. There the creative juices started flowing in my seemingly uncreative mind. God started breaking down the walls of traditional educational thinking. That was all that I knew, but it was time that I knew more! Instead of the traditional box of the world-view of learning it was revealed to me that Knowledge and Wisdom is what I needed and it was what Steve and I had been praying for since the beginning of the year.
Since then ideas have come to mind in reworking our schedule...well, making a schedule to start with, because we didn't have one! I really was not involved in the girls' daily school work. I just expected them to know what to do and do it. Ha! Little did I know at the time that THAT was paralyzing them. They needed direction and guidance. And I wasn't giving them what they needed.
Resources galore have flooded my email inbox, and what brought this on was a new subscription ordered from The Old School House Magazine. They offered several free gifts for ordering, so I went for it. I was impressed at the size of the magazine and all the support and ideas given throughout for home schoolers. These gifts are the "resources galore" mentioned above. I'm eating it up! I've gained several FREE educational downloads that we will be using for some of the curriculum. I'm so excited because it's FREE, albeit the paper and ink involved in printing.
The highlight and beginning of the new revelation was the end of frustration! At this time the Lord prompted me to Proverbs 1:2-9 where it speaks about the education of a "son" by a "father" and a "mother". You see, my 12 year old asked me a week ago,
"Mom, why do I HAVE to be home schooled?"
And I replied with,
"Well, let's you and me and your sisters look at Proverbs and see what God has to say about it."
Therefore, every morning our day starts with prayer and we open our Bible to Proverbs. We make it a Language Arts, Reading, and Writing session as the literal words of God are studied on why we are called to home school. Last week we started this new schedule and every day since the girls have eaten it up! It's been refreshing to see their faces light up as new things are being discovered. Mom is involved and we are working, learning and experimenting together. Finally, something to look forward to everyday....not just for me, but for my girls!
Enjoying My Kup....
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