Their response was neither unexpected or uneventful.
Quite the contrary.
Quite the contrary.
This afternoon Steve and I gathered our girls for a pow-wow. We had some news to share.
"We are moving to the big city."
"We are moving to the big city."
And with that, our 13 year old daughter's face perked up and her body practically lept a foot off the chair she was sitting in. "The City, Really?" she exclaimed with a big smile. None too happy was she. No, she was ecstatic! She's our city girl who enjoys primping in semi high heels (mommy approval of course) and a fashionable outfit to go grocery shopping! And may I not forget her polished nails to add to the ensemble. Can you imagine this person in a small mountain town? :) I love her unique, fashionable personality!
Our nearly 16 year old daughter was just as excited. How do I know? Well, as she did not jump out of her chair like her sister, I saw her eyes and imagined her heart jumping out of it's shell. She's been long awaiting this day to arrive. You see, I believe her spiritual maturity has grown the most out of all of us through this past year. And so she was holding back to make sure that what she heard was in fact true. Last year's move was ...well....not agreeable to her. I am learning more about her and discovering her sense of discernment!
Our dear 11 year old, on the other hand, covered her face as tears made their way down her soft cheeks. She's at the age of living in the "here and now", a tender age that perceives life as she knows it right in front of her. Her mind had not inputted the realization, yet, that her cousins close in age were at the end of the "moving road". She could only see the friends that will be left behind. Her heart is at a tender stage that God can work with His gentle hands. BUT, may I add that SHE wanted to call one of her aunties to share the news. :) I'll take that!
Moving is not easy. It's adventurous and exciting! But not easy. I should know because this will be our 25+ (I've stopped counting!) move in the duration of our 18 years of marriage. No, we are not military. No, we are not missionaries (not technically anyway). We are Christ followers that, for the past 8 years, have genuinely sensed God calling us to where ever we have been. With the admission of Steve, and I agree, a couple of those "stops" were mistakes, but we believe God used them just the same for His glory and purpose. We have voiced in most every move that we "hope" to settle down, that this is our last stop...but in turn I find myself on the road again following a UHaul or Budget Truck (which ever is cheaper or available at the time) to the destination of choice. Choice meaning: we make the choice to follow God's leading.
In this present circumstance, Steve and I were confirmed today of a decision we made just recently of needing to move back to California so that we can continue with the job that God blessed us with a year and half ago. In this we are grateful!
Life is an adventure...a journey we must take. But it's the choice of who we take the journey with that makes all the difference. I choose God!
Enjoying My Kup...
Hi! I can't wait to read more here. I noticed that you're reading Love and Respect! It's one of our favorite books and God used it to save our marriage about 3 years ago. We're reading it now with our Life Group and are trying to stay positive as several couples are really struggling with the content. :) We'll be praying for your family as you read it and with this move!
ReplyDeleteThanks Megan! Steve and I are having fun reading it together before we hit the pillow, almost every night. In 18 years of marriage we've never done's about time huh? :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome how God works in our lives!
I appreciate you sharing, my friend!
I'm curious to hear more about these moves and the Lord's leading behind them. Why have you felt the leading to move and what have these moves brought? I have moved over 20 times in the course of my 28 years of life, mostly due to my dad's calling as a pastor so I can definitely relate. I'm looking forward to reading more about your life as God leads you in a new and exciting direction.
ReplyDeleteHi Kristen! Thanks for posting! Steve and I will most likely share our story/ies as we move along in this blog. It's a loaded question that you have asked :) But so glad you did. Thank you for taking interest! Quite honestly the 1st several moves in our 1st 10 years of our marriage were mostly because we were discontent...thinking we needed a bigger living space, and ironically I can honestly say that NOW I am willing to live under any kind of roof, with any kind of space as we venture into the L.A. County area...just as long as it is God-given. That is how far our "thinking"has come ...and oh the grace and patience that God has given us through all the lessons! It's very expensive in this area as we all know, but God can make it happen! We've seen the impossible situations made into completely possible as God's hand was in it. I suppose all the moves we have done previously and the faith that the Lord has built into us as a result will all have been training for this upcoming one. It seems to get harder every move...the faith part of it. (How are we going to afford this? HOw can we possibly do that?) But the faithful Lord ALWAYS comes through and we are never without. Praise Him! We have learned to be ready with the good Lord calls us. Some are called to live a life of complete faith...and some are called to live a life that makes more sense (if that even makes's hard to word it) in the financial and other areas. We have been called to the 1st.
ReplyDeleteSo Kristen, that is just a tid bit of what we are about. More to come I'm sure ;)
Where in the L.A. area. You know we are near Palm Springs. :)
ReplyDeleteRenia....anywhere in the L.A. County..and yes I did know you lived in PS. :)