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Friday, July 29, 2011

A Bit of Navel-Gazing...

Introspection was a part of my day today and so was surfing around the innards of my computer, and as a result I came across a written form of this navel-gazing from a few years back.  It seems as if I've not left that time since some of the same feelings are still within.  May I share the following:
AppleMark     As I enter round number…. well who’s counting…in the ring of life facing yet another trial, I am reminded in James 1:3 that when my faith is tested my endurance has a chance to grow.  What timing!  Does this encourage me?  I suppose the word “endurance” needs further review if it is going to be fully understood in this context.  Two such definitions published by American Heritage Dictionary says that endurance is

power of withstanding hardship or stress”. 

Another definition causes me to chuckle for it says 

continuing existence”. 

I guess that makes sense when I look at today’s society.  Just continuing to exist is endurance in itself, especially now in the 21st century when life is going at maximum speeds and burnout is prevalent  with chaos rapidly growing.  

This endurance is pictured perfectly when it is tested in a marathon runner.  Will her body withstand the stress that is involved in this vigorous movement and the length of time it takes to reach the finish line?  It makes me think of endurance as muscle, or when in altitude the body gets acclimated after a few weeks.  So does this mean that the more one is tested in the trials the less stressful it is to push through them?  Not that it is any lighter or easier, but we have more “muscle” to push through.  “Muscle” meaning “Faith”.  Our faith grows like a muscle getting stronger in time and through the levels of difficulty that trials may offer.   I believe this is the picture that the Apostle Paul is trying to paint to his readers.  Life is like a marathon.  It has obstacles, trials, or stress that must be faced on a daily basis, and depending on the reaction of the runner when faced with these obstacles, determines the outcome (which can include her own health and the health of the people around her) of her race at the finish line.  Will she become a stronger person allowing the “muscle” to grow?  Will she finish strong?  Will she end up lost having given up in the rocky part of the path needing a search and rescue team to find her?  Will she be dazed and confused wondering which way is up and fighting the current that is overtaking her…depression?  The reaction of the runner is so very important in a race, of any kind really.  She must be alert and ready to steer clear of danger having hidden God’s Word in her heart; she must be ready to withstand bad weather or ward off negative shouts from the sidelines having clothed herself with Armor and Righteousness; she must be ready to run through tunnels of darkness having had sweet communion with her Lord as He leads the way; she must be ready to receive the praise and cheers of others with a humble heart as she worships and offers these accolades as an offering of praise and sweet aroma to the One who is deserving.  This sounds like a runner I’d like to mirror.

Ok, now that I’ve pursued a better understanding of “endurance” I will go on with this “round” in the “ring-pin” of life I am now facing.  I should know this by now as trials have become “normal” for me.  But I am never too mature (ha!) or old in my faith that I cannot allow for sweet reminders.  Forgetfulness has become part of my “growing up” and so God’s Word will always be a shower of refreshment.

So what am I now (well it was then) facing in the “ring pin”?  The lesson is Contentment and Security of being Settled.  Maybe this will always linger around the “pin” (and I can attest that it has), because it doesn’t seem I am able to shake off the opposing difficulties:  Discontentment and Insecurity of being Unsettled (and I'll admit there's a lot to that statement...and I've written a bit about it in the post Dry Stones).  What to do?  How to react, like the runner previously mentioned?  Will a “place” or a “house” ever bring me what I need?  Will a state-of-mind or an emotion do this?  Will a friend or a family member ever really satisfy the hunger?  Could Discontentment be related to Envy or Covetousness?  

Oh boy!  Well that's another sermon writing all together.  It goes back to the previous post on Need and Want (There's a Certain Security In Knowing..)

Want” offers discontentment.  
Need” replenishes Security. 

Enjoying My Kup...