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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Note To Self... (or anyone for that matter!)

Wear socks and shoes when packing a sewing room.  

The throbbing in my foot is a stark reminder of the point sharply taken in yesterday's "packing party" with a willing friend (in whom I am deeply appreciative!).

In this particular room the floor is adorned with a lovely, old calico colored carpet; a camouflage to just about anything...especially needles!  It acts as a pin cushion to the fallen strays as a single one carefully intentionally  inadvertently landed point up waiting for its victim helpless and innocent.  

My foot met it's accuser and crunch! Really, it sounded as if my foot was crushing something, when, in fact, I looked down and this needle had "crunched" into 3 levels of the bottom of my foot (or so it seemed and felt!)...through my sock!  Ok ouch, yeah, it started to hurt after realizing what just took place.  And yes!  I carefully pulled this foreign object out ...and I kept pulling was deep.

My dear friend, at this point (no pun intended...ok maybe a little) was not so willing.  Ha!  She handed me the alcohol covered cloth.  But I made her pour it on my bleeding foot anyway ;o)  It really didn't hurt at that point (I know, that word is getting old! I promise I'll stop).  And really, the rest of the evening it was fine unless I put a little finger pressure on the wound.

This morning I woke up with a different story.  My foot was   throbbing with no pressure at all, at which point purpose yesterday's conversation came to the forefront of my mind:

"When was your last tetanus shot?" my friend just had to ask.

(NO!!), I thought (because I'm a baby when it comes to needles!  Oh the irony.) and then replied, "hmm...maybe in two thousand and seven when I was a dental assistant. I don't remember."  ugh!

I, then, justified that the needle wasn't rusty; it was practically new before I stepped on it!  So in that case, I will wait it out to see if I die  get infected..or not.

The moral of that story is displayed in the very first line of this post.  Need I repeat it again?

I WILL Enjoy My Kup today...

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