When I think of a stone and the meaning behind it two stories come to mind. The first story is not a tale, but one that is celebrated in every spring season; a season of new life!
It is the story of our risen Savior.
It is a story of one cross that bridged a gap between God and man using Jesus' body as the sacrifice. It is a story of one tomb that held this sacrificial Lamb for three days. It is a story of one stone that was supernaturally rolled away for the Messiah in all His glory to conquer the grave. This was the first stone that comes to mind, and this miraculous event in history takes faith to believe in.
I was about 10 years old when I was urged to say a prayer of acceptance to Jesus. I believe now that at that moment of child-like following I was completely forgiven for the past, the present, and the future sins of my life. I had Jesus in my heart and I was excited! This was my first stone of faith, little as it was, it was still my first stone.
The second story that enters my mind is that of one woman who was thrown before Jesus by several men. These men were most likely no strangers to this woman, but quite possibly the source of her sin. She was an adulteress who, by law, was to be stoned to death because of this heinous act. Jesus, instead, defied the law and challenged the accusers to look at their own life...their own sin. I wonder what He wrote in the sand? It could have been the names of those men standing and pointing their sin-encrusted fingers at this woman. It could have been the names of the women they've defiled as they heinously did the charging. But then, as they watched Jesus and read the words written by His hand, one by one they turned and walked away until the only two people left was the sinful woman and Jesus. Not one stone was hurled her way, but the One Rock who made a way for her to change her way.
Twenty years after I accepted Jesus into my heart I found myself laid bare before Jesus mirroring this sinful woman. The words He spoke to this woman He, also, spoke to me...
"Where are your accusers? Look around, there is no one here to accuse you. Neither do I. Now go and sin no more."
My second stone, and this one was one of mercy.
Two stories in contrast to each other, but intertwining so deeply.
One stone to reveal a tomb absent of the King's body, and the other absent to demonstrate undeserved mercy.
My Kup....of God's overflowing love
What a great start to your discovery of the 12 stones. Your open honesty is one of your greatest gifts! I love you! Steve