Well, it's been more than a few days since I have shared a small bit of my thoughts. That must mean that I have much to say...well I must admit, at times I talk too much and God is trying to get me to listen more. That means to stop, not slow down, and to listen. Listening is not always easy. I am great at listening when the news is good, it's when the news doesn't suit my needs or timing that I tend not to hear.
Have you ever met someone who "hears" God? I mean really "hears" God. Have you ever heard them say "I haven't been hearing anything lately"? Do you ever wonder why that is? I do. You see, I'm alot like Peter...I ask lots of questions and to many of them God is probably saying "this AGAIN Steve?". Okay, so I'm a slow learner, I get it! Can anyone relate?
I believe that God speaks to us contantly, He never stops talking to us. However, we STOP listening to Him. We are not constantly "lined UP" with Him. So it's not that God is silent, in fact in Deuteronomy 31:6 (oh yeah you should read this part of scripture) it says that "the Lord God goes with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you." The word "goes" shows continual action and the word "never" translated from the Hebrew means NEVER!
Well then, that means that He is always with us and I believe, always talking to us. It is we that turn away. If we aren't hearing, we aren't facing him...we are not "lined UP"!
This may seem like an unusual transition but...
Anyone else having financial issues right now? We certainly are. We are supposed to move back to California in June and it will be an awesome display of God's favor and grace for us to be able to afford to do it. This is where I'm like Peter. God has had favor on us in many instances in our lives, He has ALWAYS come through. So the question is...why do I still worry? I've stopped listening and I'm not "lined UP".
In Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus says "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Is this "Let's Make A Deal"? I'm afraid not. This is all based on being "lined UP". You see if we are listening and are "lined UP", then the things we ask, seek and knock for will be in total alignment with what God wants for us. But you also notice that scripture before and after this passage deals with our relationships with others. Jesus does this for a very specific reason (it's up to you to figure this one out for yourself).
Did you know that God has blessed some of His sheep financially, specifically to bless others and that is their gifting. If we are "lined UP", then when we ask, seek and knock God puts those people in our paths. These may be people we may or may not know. We may be that person that is supposed to bless another from time to time. Do you know that when you ask others to pray specifically that you would have favor in the area of finances, the heavenly realms are filled with that prayer. Some are afraid to pray that prayer, others pray it too much and it consumes them.
But if we are listening and "lined UP" then our prayers and the prayers we ask others to lift up on our behalf will be heard and others in the family of God will have a chance to be obedient by giving and they will have used their gift of abundance.
Take this week and see where God wants you to be. If He wants you to write a check to bless another, then do it! If you have a specific need, then make sure you are "lined UP" and follow the way of Matthew 7:7-8. If you are "lined UP", then your prayer will not be shallow, it will be from the mind of Christ and it will be answered.
Line UP...and LISTEN!!
Enjoying MY Kup...
Good words hon!