Why does a cup of coffee add zeal to a conversation?
A cup of coffee is a sure commonality between the two people who may not have anything in common otherwise. It becomes the "tie-that-binds" them to meet every week at a favorite coffee shop even if it's to chat about
And because it just does!
Why does a favorite mug add nostalgia to a morning "wake-up"?
Drinking coffee out of just any ol' mug does not cut it. I could pick a different mug every morning depending on the mood that I'm in or the season that it is (ie..spring, summer, winter, etc.). For example, if it is spring I'm likely to choose a mug with flowers printed on it. If it is gloomy winter my selection of Starbucks mugs have suited me well. Does the coffee taste any better? Well, yeah! My sense of sight and touch make the distinction. If the cup is pretty or its curves fit just right in my hand then what's inside it will be yummy. I know, it's all in the head, but whatever works, right?! A good cup of coffee in the morning, or during a chat with my husband, or while writing this post makes all the difference in how I "wake up", or how the "chat" develops, or in what shape this post ends up.
And because it just does!
How is it that flawless, black coffee is only tasty, in my opinion,when mixed with lots and lots of flavor (coconut cream preferably)?
Coffee in its natural form is really not palette satisfying at all. In fact, it tastes like dirt to be honest. So why drink it? It's addicting...well the caffeine that is in it is. I enjoy the heaviness of the drink...especially in the morning. Mix that with the warmth that it creates on my favorite mug that de-thaws my fingers and I'm a fan. Well, I can say that hot chocolate could have that same effect, or even hot tea, but these just do not do the trick that coffee does. It's a mystery drink I suppose that soothes a soul and has captured the heart of mankind.
And because it just is!
And that's all I have to say about that! :o)
Enjoying My Kup...
Hey, black coffee drinker here!;)
ReplyDeleteBut you're right. There is just something about a cup of coffee:)
I suppose if I rid myself of all the unnatural flavor that I add to coffee I might find the natural flavor that all you "black coffee drinkers" savor :0) Hmmm....that might have to be my next goal in life....to seek out the flavor in black coffee!