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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Real Talk...Real Times

I was blessed to have a great "heart to heart", father/daughter talk with my girls today.  We talked about how the environment you are in usually has a big influence on who you become.

It is true with children, teens and adults.  From the music we listen to, to the clothes we wear, to the people we hang out with, to the car we drive and the money we spend, the environment we choose to participate in, "molds" us.

You notice I said "molds" us.  It doesn't happen overnight, it takes time, in many cases, years.  We usually don't even know it is happening!

Now this "molding" can be positive or negative.  It depends on our environment, who and what we surround ourselves with.  If we surround ourselves with Godly people who love to serve, give, praise and study the word of God then the molding that takes place resembles a "heavenly perspective".

If we choose an environment of the "worldly perspective" then we begin to love power, money, status, self and we look out for ourselves above all else.  Before we know it our words have a "Godly Tone", but our actions don't reflect our words and our witness is "shot".  By the way, that is just how the evil one likes it to be.

For many years, our family has lived a simple life.  We don't want for anything, but we also don't have "extra".  The towns we have lived in and the people we have chosen to invest with and in have been relatively modest.  We have lived in some larger towns, Dallas TX, Surprise, AZ, Santa Maria, CA, but we have made a choice to live simply.

As the girls and I talked, mainly about styles of dress, makeup (or too much makeup), how a boy mind thinks, I am blessed and honored to be their dad.  My girls are growing up, but they have a solid understanding of how God expects them to live.

If they live how God expects them to live...then why should I worry?

Because that's what Dad's do......

Enjoying My Kup...


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two Stones

When I think of a stone and the meaning behind it two stories come to mind.  The first story is not a tale, but one that is celebrated in every spring season; a season of new life!

It is the story of our risen Savior.  

It is a story of one cross that bridged a gap between God and man using Jesus' body as the sacrifice.  It is a story of one tomb that held this sacrificial Lamb for three days.  It is a story of one stone that was supernaturally rolled away for the Messiah in all His glory to conquer the grave.   This was the first stone that comes to mind, and this miraculous event in history takes faith to believe in. 

I was about 10 years old when I was urged to say a prayer of acceptance to Jesus.  I believe now that at that moment of child-like following I was completely forgiven for the past, the present, and the future sins of my life.  I had Jesus in my heart and I was excited!  This was my first stone of faith, little as it was, it was still my first stone.

The second story that enters my mind is that of one woman who was thrown before Jesus by several men.  These men were most likely no strangers to this woman, but quite possibly the source of her sin.  She was an adulteress who, by law, was to be stoned to death because of this heinous act.  Jesus, instead, defied the law and challenged the accusers to look at their own life...their own sin.  I wonder what He wrote in the sand?  It could have been the names of those men standing and pointing their sin-encrusted fingers at this woman.  It could have been the names of the women they've defiled as they heinously did the charging.  But then, as they watched Jesus and read the words written by His hand, one by one they turned and walked away until the only two people left was the sinful woman and Jesus.  Not one stone was hurled her way, but the One Rock who made a way for her to change her way.

Twenty years after I accepted Jesus into my heart I found myself laid bare before Jesus mirroring this sinful woman.  The words He spoke to this woman He, also, spoke to me...

"Where are your accusers?  Look around, there is no one here to accuse you.  Neither do I.  Now go and sin no more."

My second stone, and this one was one of mercy.

Two stories in contrast to each other, but intertwining so deeply.

One stone to reveal a tomb absent of the King's body, and the other absent to demonstrate undeserved mercy. 

My Kup....of God's overflowing love

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hangin' with my girls...

I am blessed!

I get to spend the next week or so with my girls by myself while mom is in California.  So I am worker, cook, laundry guy, principal...your regular "Mr. Mom".

What could be better than a week of Wii, playing catch, watching live bull riding and Karate Kid I, II & III.  It's during times like these that I realize just how quickly my girls are growing up.  Soon, they will be on their own, making their own their own lives.  Some of you have small children.  You can't wait for the day when you can own "grown up" things again (like breakables in the house or decent furniture). 

My advice to you?  ENJOY your time!  Don't let the hustle and bustle of life take time away from your family.  We work to get ahead, save a little money, a little vacation time and before you know it...

Quality of life definitely wins over quantity of life.  It's not how much you can fit into one day...but the quality of the life during that day.  No one (except God) knows more about your kids than you. They have hopes and dreams and you know exactly what they are.

It may sound like I know what I'm talking is easy to write down my thoughts.  It is quite another thing to put it into practice.

I want to encourage you to take some extra time this week to "love on" your kids, tell your spouse how much they mean to you...

But most of all...tell God how much He means to you...and show it with your obedience and praise.  If you make God the most important priority in your life, then He will show you how to prioritize everything else.

By the thing I am finding out this week...Atari is not Wii!

Enjoying My Kup...


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Is it what I think it is.......

Is it what I think it is?  What a confusing group of words!  This group of words can be related to many different circumstances.  But I have a specific direction that this is going.

In this case, the "it" is God's voice or direction.  The key word in this statement is "I".  Anytime we insert our thoughts into determining God's voice or direction we set ourselves up for misinterpretation, failure or blaming others.

I have one thing to say..."It" is what "It" is...He never changes.  Unfortunately, we tend to blame circumstances or others for not "hearing" God correctly.  The last time I checked, this world and the people in it are sinners, lacking perfection.  If we allow the lack of perfection in others to shade our recognition of God's direction in our lives, then we will forever be disappointed.

Too many times, when things don't go our way with finances, relationships, health or spiritual growth, we think that maybe we didn't hear God correctly.  Do we measure hearing God correctly with life progressing as we think it should...with no hiccups.

In James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

What is the "testing of your faith"?  I believe that testing is offensive relationships, difficult finances, fleeting health or stunted spiritual growth.

To hear God, we must recognize God!  The apostle John wrote in John 10:14 & 15, "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me--just as the Father knows me and I know the Father--and I lay down my life for the sheep."

There are 2 comparisons, the Shepherd and his Sheep and the Father and the Son.  The Shepherd never leaves his Sheep and the Father and Son have always been together.  For us to hear and recognize God's voice, we must never separate ourselves from Him.  We must bury ourselves in His Word, sing praises to Him, fight for Him and obey Him when He calls us.

It is what I think it is...its God's voice calling you and I to follow Him wherever there is a need not thinking about "what's in it for me".

Enjoying My Kup...


Line It UP...

Well, it's been more than a few days since I have shared a small bit of my thoughts.  That must mean that I have much to say...well I must admit, at times I talk too much and God is trying to get me to listen more.  That means to stop, not slow down, and to listen.  Listening is not always easy.  I am great at listening when the news is good, it's when the news doesn't suit my needs or timing that I tend not to hear.

Have you ever met someone who "hears" God?  I mean really "hears" God.  Have you ever heard them say "I haven't been hearing anything lately"?  Do you ever wonder why that is?  I do.  You see, I'm alot like Peter...I ask lots of questions and to many of them God is probably saying "this AGAIN Steve?".  Okay, so I'm a slow learner, I get it!  Can anyone relate?

I believe that God speaks to us contantly, He never stops talking to us.  However, we STOP listening to Him.  We are not constantly "lined UP" with Him.  So it's not that God is silent, in fact in Deuteronomy 31:6 (oh yeah you should read this part of scripture) it says that "the Lord God goes with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you."  The word "goes" shows continual action and the word "never" translated from the Hebrew means NEVER!

Well then, that means that He is always with us and I believe, always talking to us.  It is we that turn away.  If we aren't hearing, we aren't facing him...we are not "lined UP"!

This may seem like an unusual transition but...

Anyone else having financial issues right now?  We certainly are.  We are supposed to move back to California in June and it will be an awesome display of God's favor and grace for us to be able to afford to do it.  This is where I'm like Peter.  God has had favor on us in many instances in our lives, He has ALWAYS come through.  So the question is...why do I still worry?  I've stopped listening and I'm not "lined UP".

In Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus says "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

Is this "Let's Make A Deal"?  I'm afraid not.  This is all based on being "lined UP".  You see if we are listening and are "lined UP", then the things we ask, seek and knock for will be in total alignment with what God wants for us.  But you also notice that scripture before and after this passage deals with our relationships with others.  Jesus does this for a very specific reason (it's up to you to figure this one out for yourself).

Did you know that God has blessed some of His sheep financially, specifically to bless others and that is their gifting.  If we are "lined UP", then when we ask, seek and knock God puts those people in our paths.  These may be people we may or may not know.  We may be that person that is supposed to bless another from time to time.  Do you know that when you ask others to pray specifically that you would have favor in the area of finances, the heavenly realms are filled with that prayer.  Some are afraid to pray that prayer, others pray it too much and it consumes them.

But if we are listening and "lined UP" then our prayers and the prayers we ask others to lift up on our behalf will be heard and others in the family of God will have a chance to be obedient by giving and they will have used their gift of abundance.

Take this week and see where God wants you to be.  If He wants you to write a check to bless another, then do it!  If you have a specific need, then make sure you are "lined UP" and follow the way of Matthew 7:7-8.  If you are "lined UP", then your prayer will not be shallow, it will be from the mind of Christ and it will be answered.

Line UP...and LISTEN!!

Enjoying MY Kup...


Friday, April 8, 2011

That Still Soft Nudge

     This morning, as every most mornings recently have gone, I sat with my Bible in my lap and asked God for a little word for the day, and like many of the recent mornings I "heard" His still soft nudge to turn to Joshua 4:9...again.

       But Lord, I know this verse and I know that I need to write about the twelve stones in my life... I whined cried out in my heart.

     "Keep reading" I heard.

  ...and so I kept reading.....chapter 4....chapter 5....chapter 6.....chapter 7... and then I came to a halt.

                  "I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction."  (7:12b)

and then in the following...

                  "You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove it." (7:13b)  I certainly have the enemy distracting me lately with the mountain of financial impossibility with this upcoming move....I thought.

   I took a breath and then asked my Lord, "Please show me what in my life has been and is devoted to destruction. What do I need to get rid of still?"  Ongoing is the weeding out, cleaning out, and moving out that must happen so that my communion with my Savior is open and pure.

    For the next 10 days during my vacation the above question will still stand.  I did not "hear" anything specifically, and I know that I will in time or I would not have been shown this.  An open heart, an open mind equals an open relationship with Jesus, my Friend.

   About the 12 stones.  This is a writing project that I've been nudged to do for a while now; a project that will speak about the great works of God in my family's life...but where to start?

  My family and I were eating at Wendy's this evening and I was relaying to Steve what was being pointed out to me this morning; and then I "heard" it again (the still soft nudge)

     "Be ready at your computer, ready to type, and I will give you the words."

  This I have been avoiding, although I do not know why exactly, except for the past 10+ years have been a whirlwind of activity from the Lord and it's been a bit overwhelming to think about and put it all together.  So, if you think of me occasionally this week would you send up a prayer for me that my mind would be free to "hear" correctly from that still soft Nudge, the One who has done it already?

Oh, and by the way, the next 10 days I'll be on my own vacation in California seeing my new little niece and several family members...and our new possibility of a home! 
Enjoying My Kup....of Coca Cola!

Friday, April 1, 2011

And Because It Just Is!

Why does a cup of coffee add zeal to a conversation? 

     A cup of coffee is a sure commonality between the two people who may not have anything in common otherwise.  It becomes the "tie-that-binds" them to meet every week at a favorite coffee shop even if it's to chat about nothing the weather!  It serves as a warming agent on a cold winter day so as to break any "ice" between the two coffee fans.  It becomes the "drink of romance" by a candlelit window of opportunity.  It stirs up sentimentality of days gone by and remembrances of how things used to be and how God was faithful through it all.   
And because it just does!
Why does a favorite mug add nostalgia to a morning "wake-up"?

        Drinking coffee out of just any ol' mug does not cut it.  I could pick a different mug every morning depending on the mood that I'm in or the season that it is (ie..spring, summer, winter, etc.).  For example, if it is spring I'm likely to choose a mug with flowers printed on it.  If it is gloomy winter my selection of Starbucks mugs have suited me well.  Does the coffee taste any better?  Well, yeah!  My sense of sight and touch make the distinction.  If the cup is pretty or its curves fit just right in my hand then what's inside it will be yummy.  I know, it's all in the head, but whatever works, right?!  A good cup of coffee in the morning, or during a chat with my husband, or while writing this post makes all the difference in how I "wake up", or how the "chat" develops, or in what shape this post ends up.  
And because it just does!

  How is it that flawless, black coffee is only tasty, in my opinion,when mixed with lots and lots of flavor (coconut cream preferably)? 

Coffee in its natural form is really not palette satisfying at all.  In fact, it tastes like dirt to be honest.  So why drink it?  It's addicting...well the caffeine that is in it is.  I enjoy the heaviness of the drink...especially in the morning.  Mix that with the warmth that it creates on my favorite mug that de-thaws my fingers and I'm a fan.  Well, I can say that hot chocolate could have that same effect, or even hot tea, but these just do not do the trick that coffee does.  It's a mystery drink I suppose that soothes a soul and has captured the heart of mankind.
And because it just is!

And that's all I have to say about that! :o)

Enjoying My Kup...