"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -
and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-
not by works, so that no one can boast."
Ephesians 2:8-9
Ok ... raise your hand if you need a second chance. Allow me to be a part of this exercise today because I need to raise both my hands; and if any of you don't feel the need to raise yours, well let me shake it instead and congratulate you on being the second person that ever lived on the face of this earth to be perfect ;0)
I don't think so. Why? Because there is none righteous (or perfect) no not one! Hey, this isn't from me; this is from our Almighty Creator, specifically from the book of Romans 3:10. Before you give up hope, don't; there is One who has brought hope to this hopeless world.
Look at this next "breath" of God.
"...we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense - Jesus Christ, the Righteous One."
Isn't this exciting?! Now look at the five words before this part of scripture that I left out...
"But if anybody does sin..." This is inevitable. WE ALL SIN AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD (Romans 2:23). "Ouch!" ... your hearts may be thumping. I know...I am poking...and I'm not sorry because I'm one of you. I need a second chance...EVERY..SINGLE..DAY. And most often several times a day.
Notice it says that Jesus, the Righteous One, comes to our defense when we sin. HALLELUJAH!! Remember last week in the post named, Stone Soup Saturday - Blessing #1, we learned about the separation problem that God had because sin entered the world? Well, now we see that He solved it. Can you see it, my dear friends? Do you recall the gift that God is offering us if we put our faith and trust in Him and just receive it? Jesus Christ is that gift. He is the solution. He is our Hope in this hopeless world!
Now let's go back to Ephesians and jump on over to the second chapter. You will see the passage at the top of this post.
Grace is a gift.
You don't have to pay for it...and you most certainly do not have to work for it...("not by works"). Can you imaginie if we had to actually work to be saved? I'm telling you from personal experience, my eyes would never see the face of God, let alone the pearls on the gate of Heaven if I had to work to be saved from the gates of Hell. If this was the case I'd be setting myself up for walking right into that fiery furnace. I've messed up so many times just trying to do "good works" that there is no way I would make it without a personal "hero" by my side picking me up and doing the "work" for me. Praise God for that? It's Ok...you can say it...ok just whisper it then...praise God! Please do, because He has given us Jesus who is our Hero,
Friend. What would we do without Him?
I know I can't do anything without Him; anything of worth; anything that really matters. Let me tell you that I would not be here typing this post if it wasn't for the saving grace of my Lord, Jesus Christ ... to lift me out of a very dark time of my life. I am here because of His grace ... His work ... and my faith in Him (not in myself) ... and not by my strength, but His alone. Praise God again!
(Come back here on Wednesday and I will share with you a piece of my story in allegorical form. It's about a race, a lurking lion, and a man.)
Finally friends, let this just sink into your minds this week. Contemplate on where your life (your heart) is right now.
(note: since I've been urged to rediscover this devotional that I wrote almost 10 years ago I've been examining my own heart as well; and what I'm stumbling upon is a ticker that needs a major adjustment ... just sayin'. We're all in this together.)
*Are you in a "season of darkness" where hope is nowhere to be found?
*Are you in a "season of sunshine" where all looks fine and dandy? ... and even in this nice warm period of life we need grace.
*Are you in a "season of fog" where there is neither darkness nor sunshine; you're just not sure about where you are; you're searching, trying to grasp at life only to find yourself losing grip.
Where are you right now? Do you need a Hope? Do you need a saving grace? Believe me, I'll be the first to admit that I DO!
Let me pray for y'all right now: Dear God, our Savior, I thank You for Your truth...the truth that sets us free! And now I ask that You would unveil the eyes of the unbelieving so that they may see this truth that can set them free. Free from the hopelessness and darkness that tends to invade us when we can not see You for who You are. You are our Savior, our Lord, our Friend. Unveil the unbelieving eyes to see the love of Jesus, who You have given us as a gift, so that we can have fellowship with You. Touch their lives in a very significant way this week. I pray this in Jesus Name ... Amen!
Reflect on John 8:31,32,36
Enjoying My Kup...
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