FaithFamilyMarriageFinancesSteve's CupCindy's CupHome Ed

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Educational Diversion for the Davis girls...

looks like this...

A bit of goofy excitement I'd say
 One detail that you might notice is that they are wearing the same colors.  This is called "uniformity", in which they must abide by 180...or is it 170?...days of this year, 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. 

Have you guessed, yet, where I'm going with this?

It's called "The Over-Glorified System" of indoctrination public school (my opinion of course), and they are now enlisted and have begun a new year.  As you well have caught on, I have very mixed emotions about this subject.  My husband and I do not see eye to eye one hundred percent, but at the same time we have given it and the girls to the Lord and all of this is 100% in His Hands...that we can see eye to eye on.

Steve and I had the thrilling opportunity of visiting...
oh, can you guess where?
And this is what we came home with...

Is it Christmas yet?  Because we spent like it is!
 Yesterday (1st day of school) the girls came home with lists of items they are required to bring to school...and the only object you don't see is the skinny 3 hole punch that fits inside a binder.  Target (gasp..I let it out!) didn't have them...nor did WalMart.  I can only hope the girls don't receive a deduction of points for not having it!

Ok, I'm being a bit..ok lot cynical in this post...and I have a lot to work on, concerning my heart, in this area of interest ( pray for me).  I understand that my girls need a mom that is positive when they come home from this military-type environment, and so despite the circumstances, knowing full-well that my God has captured the cries of my heart, I will make a proclamation of obedience (to God), joyfulness of heart, and a gentle understanding to the loved ones that I reside with.  

To my husband's credit, I believe that I would have continued to home-school my girls if we were residing in an area that only one income could sustain.  On the contrary, yesterday I had my first interview in the work-force, which is interpreted as:  mom is going to be working the Lord leads.

And that is one of the reasons for "the system".

The second reason is really dulled by the first, so there really is no reason to mention it.  Yeah, I know, bummer...but whatev!  I've already said too much, probably. two more pics and then I'm done...
Personality-free, logo-adorned polo's purchased from's all about the mighty dollar!
Oh! and I forgot to mention that I've saved a buck by sewing Khaki and/or Navy Blue shorts and skirts for the girls...until I can come up with an income.  

Willingly they (the girls) are wearing them. 
Considerately they (the girls again) say they like them...whew!  Mom is...still cool.  Unheard of with teenagers these days.

And lastly...
My adorable, smart, Godly little big girls!
By the way, all three of them are going to the same's a specialized charter school that is unique to Math and Science.  Currently they include grades 6th thru 10th (Taylyr will be in the 1st graduating class, and always the upper-classman...woohoo for her ;o)

EnJOYing My Kup...

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