"You never know what's coming around the corner."
God was already on top of it...before these thoughts existed He put a generous thought on someone's heart. Minutes after this sisterly conversation my husband called me to share some good news.
"Money is being mailed to us from "someone" (I'll leave them anonymous) to use for airline tickets to send the girls off on their summer vacation that we have desired!"
Wow!! I never saw it coming, as it was "coming around the corner". Head-on collision with a gracious, loving God Who sees our every need. I love those divine collisions, don't you? This motivates me to keep moving forward in faith and expect another need to collide with the Provider. Again, I'll be ready to testify of His Greatness!!!
*I know with many of my readers this word is a bit confusing because I have displayed how excited I am in staying in the New Mexico area; and a part of me is excited as many of you have been a family for us. However, there is a huge part of me that desires to be a part of my "blood" family again and be "nested" there for a very long time. My heart is torn, and tugged, and tossed, and tumbled and when I have conversations with my family of moving back my heart skips a beat; and when I'm with my New Mexico family I'm thrilled! Do you see my dilemma of emotions? Understand that I feel like I'm still standing in the middle of "The River" waiting, for what? (and may I remind you that the "riverbed" is dry...I'm not struggling in this position.) For peace about this move? For direction? (In which I feel like we've received a lot of those lately...now to discern what is from "whom".) For my heart to be put back together in one piece? I think, either way we go, my heart will be broken. Maybe we've made one decision over another due to the fact that in our human logic there is no way we will be able to afford to move the longer distance of the two. Dare I say, that is a lack of faith? Fear? Or maybe we have moved forward in one direction "jumping in with both feet" so that God is able to "move" in working out the other. Maybe, just maybe, we have been in His way in one area, and for this reason He needed us to focus on another. Or maybe I'm just analyzing way too much...but that's how I was made. I just want to be where God wants us and be settled and at peace with that. Yet, I believe that when we are moved in the continuously right direction I will experience that peace that passes all understanding and just know! So why am I still hesitant with the "place" we've set out to move to?
Well, possibly there is still more to collide with in God's timeless fashion. Indeed, "you never know what's coming around the corner."
Waiting with My Kup...
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